sabato 6 ottobre 2007

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 1999

1. Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments
2. 2D and 3D Image Registration and Image Warping
3. Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API
4. Practical Generation of Models From Acquired Data
5. From Fourier Analysis to Wavelets
6. Fundamental Issues of Visual Perception for Effective Image Generation
7. A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Maps
8. Case Study: Scanning Michelangelo's Florentine Pietá
9. System Designs for Visualizing Large-Scale Scientific Data
10. Developing Efficient Graphics Software
11. Visualizing Quaternions
12. Lighting and Shading Techniques for Interactive Applications
13. A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
14. From Concept to Creation in Two Hours: The Advent of 3D Desktop Publishing
15. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
16. When All You Have is a Hammer, Everything Looks Like a Nail
17. Non-Photorealistic Rendering
18. Introduction to Computer Graphics
19. 3D Computer Animation Workshop
20. Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets
21. Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Supporting Collaboration
22. 3D Geometric Compression
23. Virtual Worlds/Real Sounds
24. A Visual Effects Galaxy
25. Advanced RenderMan: Beyond the Companion
26. Simulating Nature: From Theory to Application
27. Smart(er) Animated Agents
28. 3D Photography
29. Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL
30. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL
31. Why Does it Do That? 10 Mysteries of Computer Artmaking Revealed
32. CPU Extensions for Graphics and Video
33. Modeling Techniques for Medical Applications
34. Developing Shared Virtual Environments
35. Motion Editing: Principles, Practice, and Promise
36. Physically Based Modeling
37. Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
38. Haptics: From Basic Principles to Advanced Applications
39. Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting
40. Introduction to Programming With Java 3D
41. Volume Graphics
42. Color Science for Film, Video, and CGI
43. Impact Papers/Course Sessions

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2000

1. The Art and Technology of Disney's "Dinosaur"
2. Physically Based Parametric Sound Synthesis and Control
3. Getting Started with the Java Media APIs
4. Visibility: Problems, Techniques, and Applications
5. Eye-Based Interaction in Graphical Systems: Theory & Practice
6. Developing Efficient Graphics Software
7. Psychophysics 101: How to Design, Implement, and Analyze Visual User Studies in Computer Graphics
8. A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Maps
9. Visualizing Quaternions
10. A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
11. Visual Curves and Surfaces: A Non-Technical Approach
12. Obtaining 3D Models with a Hand-Held Camera
13. Rendering and Visualization in Parallel Environments
14. "Stuart Little": A Tale of Fur, Costumes, Performances, and Integration: Breathing Real Life Into a Digital Character
15. Migrating to an Object-Oriented Graphics API
16. Image-Based Surface Details
17. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
18. Interactive Walkthroughs of Large Geometric Datasets
19. 3D Photography
20. Modeling for Medical Applications
21. Color Science and Color Management for CGI and Film
22. Introduction to Computer Graphics
23. Subdivision for Modeling and Animation
24. Smart Animated Agents
25. Simulating Nature: From Theory to Practice
26. Motion Editing: Principles, Practice, and Promise
27. Approaches for Procedural Shading on Graphics Hardware
28. Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks and Supporting Collaboration
29. Introduction to the Java Advanced Imaging API
30. Practical Parallel Processing for Realistic Rendering (and here)
31. Geometric Algebra: New Foundations, New Insights
32. Advanced Graphics Programming Techniques Using OpenGL
33. Animating Humans by Combining Simulation and Motion Capture
34. The Convergence of Scientific Visualization Methods with the World Wide Web
35. Image-Based Modeling, Rendering, and Lighting
36. 3D User Interface Design: Fundamental Techniques, Theory, and Practice
37. Drawing on the right Side of the Brain
38. 3D Geometry Compression
39. Games Research: the Science of Interactive Entertainment
40. Advanced RenderMan 2: To RI_INFINITY and Beyond
41. Advanced Issues in Level of Detail (and here)
42. Developing Shared Virtual Environments
43. Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics
44. Image Quality Metrics
45. The Technology of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2001

1. The Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graphics
2. Obtaining 3D Models With a Hand-Held Camera
3. Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques
4. A Survey of Color for Computer Graphics
5. Visualizing Quaternions
6. Object Space Visibility
7. A Primer on Shapes: Curves and Surfaces
8. An Introduction to the Kalman Filter
9. Media-Rich Programming With OpenML
10. State of the Art in Modeling and Measuring of Surface Reflection
11. Tracking: Beyond 15 Minutes of Thought
12. Developing Efficient Graphics Software
13. Interactive Ray-Tracing
14. Image-Based Lighting
15. Visualizing Relativity
16. Gaming Techniques for Designing Compelling Virtual Worlds
17. Geometric Signal Processing on Large Polygonal Meshes
18. Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems
19. "Shrek": The Story Behind the Screen
20. Advanced Global Illumination
21. Seeing is Believing: Reality Perception in Modeling, Rendering, and Animation
22. Intro to SMIL
23. Motion Dynamics Animation Workshop
24. Real-Time Shading
25. Physically Based Modeling
26. Internetworked 3D Computer Graphics: Overcoming Bottlenecks, Supporting Collaboration, and Stepping up to Wireless Connectivity
27. Augmented Reality: The Interface is Everywhere
28. Introduction to Computer Graphics
29. State of the Art in Monte Carlo Ray Tracing for Realistic Image Synthesis
30. Visibility, Problems, Techniques, and Applications
31. Computer Graphics for Large-Scale Immersive Theaters
32. Nonphotorealistic Rendering in Scientific Visualization
33. New Directions in Shape Representations
34. User-Interface Design for Work, Home, and on the Way
35. The Technology and Practice of Digital Cinema (D-cinema)
36. From Ivory Tower to Silver Screen: Visual Effects Companies Reveal How Research and Development Finds its Way Into Production
37. Commodity-Based Scalable Visualization
38. A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping
39. 3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models
40. Practical Parallel Processing for Today's Rendering Challenges (and here)
41. How to Give a Great SIGGRAPH Talk
42. Seeing in 3D
43. Aggressive Performance Optimizations For 3D Graphics
44. Advanced Topics in 3D User Interface Design
45. Advanced Issues in Level of Detail
46. Acquisition and Visualization of Surface Light Fields
47. Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques
48. Advanced RenderMan 3
49. Image Processing for Volume Graphics
50. Digital Geometry Processing
51. Making Motion Capture Useful
52. DirectX 8 Graphics
53. Geometric Algebra
54. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2002

1. Mathematics and Physics for Coding Motion and Interactivity in Web Graphics
2. Advanced Global Illumination
3. Developing Efficient Graphics Software
4. Multidimensional Visualization With Applications to Multivariate Problems
5. Image-Based Lighting
6. Human-Centered Processes in Virtual Environments: Methodologies and Real-Life Case Studies
7. Introducing X3D
8. My Work Is Finished, Now What Do I Do?A Guide to Making a Dynamite Demo Reel
9. Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques
10. Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics
11. MPEG-4: Next-Generation Standard for Interactive Media
12. Modeling Techniques for Medical Applications
13. Perceptual and Artistic Principles for Effective Computer Depiction
14. Advanced Issues in Level of Detail
15. Design of Interactive Multimodal Media Systems
16. RenderMan in Production
17. State of the Art in Hardware Shading
18. XML Basics for XHTML, SVG, and SMIL
19. Panic-Free Public Speaking
20. Design and Implementation of Direct Manipulation in 3D
21. A Field Guide to Digital Color
22. Practical Parallel Rendering
23. Recent Advances in Non-Photorealistic Rendering for Art and Visualization
24. Introduction to SVG and SMIL
25. Using Tensor Diagrams to Represent and Solve Geometric Problems
26. Light Interaction With Plants
27. Recreating the Past
28. Motion Capture: Pipeline, Applications, and Use
29. Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces
30. Character Setup From Rig Mechanics to Skin Deformations: A Practical Approach
31. Interactive Geometric Computations Using Graphics Hardware
32. Stuart Little 2: Let the Feathers Fly
33. Introduction to Computer Graphics
34. Building Interactive Spaces
35. Super-Size It! Scaling Up to Massive Virtual Worlds
36. Real-Time Shading Languages
37. Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques
38. Introduction to the Impact of Public Policy on Computer Graphics
39. Acquiring Material Models Using Inverse Rendering
40. The Web as a Procedural Sketchbook
41. Non-Traditional Modeling
42. High-Quality Volume Graphics on Consumer PC Hardware
43. A Practical Guide to Global Illumination Using Photon Mapping
44. Image-Based Modeling
45. Sounds Good to Me! Computational Sound for Graphics, VR, and Interactive Systems
46. OpenGL 2.0
47. Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments
48. Dynamic Media on Demand: Exploring Wireless and Wired Streaming Technologies and Content
49. Understanding Virtual Environments: Immersion, Presence, and Performance
50. Image Processing for Volume Graphics
51. Mathematical Optimization in Graphics and Vision
52. Advanced Virtual Medicine: Techniques and Applications for Virtual Endoscopy
53. Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Digital Rights Management for Computer Graphics
54. Obtaining 3D Models With a Hand-Held Camera
55. Projector-Based Graphics
56. Imagery, Symbolism, and Human Consciousness
57. NURBS (NonUniform Rational B-Splines): A Primer
58. Psychometrics 101: How to Design, Conduct, and Analyze Perceptual Experiments in Computer Graphics
59. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2003

1. Light and Color in the Outdoors
2. Fun & Games: An Introduction to Art-Based Game Modding
3. Frontiers in Perceptually Based Image Synthesis: Modeling, Rendering, Display, Validation
4. L-Systems and Beyond
5. Design of Interactive Multimodal Media Systems
6. Creating Advanced X3D Graphics
7. Real-Time Shading
8. Introduction to Computer Graphics
9. RenderMan, Theory and Practice
10. Theory and Practice of Non-Photorealistic Graphics: Algorithms, Methods, and Production Systems
11. Interactive Geometric and Scientific Computations Using Graphics Hardware
12. Physically Based Modeling
13. Beyond Blobs: Recent Advances in Implicit Surfaces
14. Tracking a Baseball for Broadcast Television
15. 3D Models From Photos and Videos
16. Geometric Data Structures for Computer Graphics
17. Intellectual Property, Copyright, and Digital Rights Management for Computer Graphics
18. Commodity Clusters for Immersive Projection Environments
19. HDRI and Image-Based Lighting
20. There Can Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely
21. Projectors: Advanced Geometric Issues in Applications
22. The OpenGL Shading Language
23. Building Interactive Spaces
24. More Than RGB: Moving Toward Spectral Color Reproduction
25. Computer Graphics for Large-Scale Immersive Theaters
26. Performance OpenGL: Platform Independent Techniques
27. Global Illumination for Interactive Applications and High-Quality Animations
28. Post-Linear Digital Video: Editing, Transcoding, and Content Distribution
29. Clothing Simulation and Animation
30. Building Physical Interfaces: Making Computer Graphics Interactive
31. NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines): A Primer
32. Cross-Cultural User-Interface Design
33. 3D Hardcopy: Converting Virtual Reality to Physical Models
34. Photorealistic Hair Modeling, Animation, and Rendering
35. Plausible Simulation
36. Physics-Based Sound Synthesis for Graphics and Interactive Systems
37. SVG and SMIL for Interactive Multimedia Documents
38. Motion Dynamics Animation Workshop
39. Large-Scale Displays for the Masses: Techniques for Building Affordable and Flexible Multi-Projector Large-Scale Displays
40. Appreciation and Criticism of the Short Animated Film
41. Simulating Nature: Realistic and Interactive Techniques
42. Multiple-View Geometry for Image-Based Modeling
43. Mathematical Optimization in Graphics and Vision
44. Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
45. Perceptually Based Visualization Design

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2004

1. Real-Time Shading
2. Color Science and Color Appearance Models for CG, HDTV, and D-cinema
3. Introduction to Computer Graphics
4. State of the Art in Monte Carlo Global Illumination
5. Facial Modeling and Animation
6. Point-Based Computer Graphics
7. Seeing, Hearing, and Touching: Putting It All Together
8. Multiple-View Geometry for Image-Based Modeling
9. Photorealistic Hair Modeling, Animation, and Rendering
10. "Lord of the Rings": The Visual Effects That Brought Middle Earth to the Screen
11. Acting and Drawing for Animation
12. Art-Directed Technology: Anatomy of a "Shrek 2" Sequence
13. High-Dynamic-Range Imaging
14. Collision Detection and Proximity Queries
15. Shape-Based Retrieval and Analysis of 3D Models
16. Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques
17. Unconventional Human-Computer Interfaces
18. Commodity-Based Projection VR
19. A Practical Guide to Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping
20. Color in Information Display: Principles, Perception, and Models
21. Introduction to Bayesian Learning
22. Projectors: Advanced Graphics and Vision Techniques
23. There Can Still Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely
24. Enhancing Three-Dimensional Vision With Three-Dimensional Sound
25. Developing Augmented Reality Applications
26. Real-Time Shadowing Techniques
27. Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics
28. Real-Time Volume Graphics
29. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
30. Visualizing Geospatial Data
31. The Elements of Nature: Interactive and Realistic Techniques
32. GPGPU: General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware
33. Crowd and Group Animation

SIGGRAPH Courses Notes 2005

1. Anyone Can Make Quality Animated Films! (The Eight Basic Steps to Success)
2. Introduction to Articulated Rigid Body Dynamics
3. Computational Photography
4. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming
5. "Madagascar:" Bringing a New Visual Style to the Screen
6. Advanced Topics on Clothing Simulation and Animation
7. Line Drawings From 3D Models
8. The Web as a Procedural Sketchbook
9. Digital Face Cloning
10. Realistic Materials in Computer Graphics
11. Recent Advances in Haptic Rendering & Applications
12. Introduction to SIGGRAPH and Computer Graphics
13. Modern Techniques for Implicit Modeling
14. Discrete Differential Geometry: An Applied Introduction
15. Crowd and Group Animation
16. Video-Based Rendering
17. Acting and Movement for Animators: Students, Teachers, and Professionals
18. Pre-Computed Radiance Transfer: Theory and Practice
19. Performance OpenGL: Platform Independent Techniques
20. An Open-Source CVE for Programming Education: A Case Study (and here)
21. Manifolds and Modeling
22. Résumés and Demo Reels: If Yours Aren't Working, Neither are You!
23. Taxonomy of Digital Creatures: Interpreting Character Designs as Computer Graphics Techniques
24. Digital Modeling of the Appearance of Materials
25. Open Source 2005 and Beyond: Thriving Despite the DMCA and Patent Threats to Linux
26. Visualizing Quaternions
27. Layered Manufacturing as a Graphics Display Device
28. From Mocap to Movie: The Making of "The Polar Express"
29. High-Dynamic-Range Imaging and Image-Based Lighting
30. Spatial Augmented Reality: Merging Real and Virtual Worlds
31. Computer-Generated Medical, Technical, and Scientific Illustration
32. Quantum Rendering: An Introduction to Quantum Computing and Quantum Algorithms, and Their
Applications to Computer Graphics
33. Hot Topics in 3D Medical Visualization
34. The Invisible Actor
35. Developing Mobile 3D Applications With OpenGL ES and M3G
36. Spatial Displays and Computer Graphics
37. GPU Shading and Rendering
38. Introduction to Real-Time Ray Tracing
39. GPGPU: General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware